Faith Works

I work with people with disabilities by helping them with their routine behavior support programs at their group home. Each day is different because they and I never know when something unexpected might happen or someone might have a bad day. Yet, we continue to pursue their programs together to help them become as independent as possible. This allows us to have faith and to do good works.

Faith and good works go hand in hand. As we do good works, the Holy Spirit renews and strengthens our faith and motivates us to do more good works, which strengthen and renew our faith. Faith must be practiced for it to be alive. As Jesus preached his Sermon on the Mount, “Let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven.” (Matthew 5:16). By faithfully responding to God’s love in Christ through good works, we invite others to give glory to our Father in heaven.

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